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get encouragement blog  // Browsing posts in get encouragement blog

My First Call To A Lonely Shut-In

My First Call To A Lonely Shut-In

A while back I decided to set up a service where a live person would basically call shut in or lonely people and talk with them to help them to not feel lonely. The web site about the service sat there for months online with no sales and I just figured it was a dead […]


Perfect Present Ideas For Unique Christmas Gifts and Birthday Gifts For Men and Women

Perfect Present Ideas For Unique Christmas Gifts and Birthday Gifts For Men and Women

If you’re looking for a unique Christmas or birthday gift for someone special then your search may be over. If you really love and respect the person and you want them to feel that love and respect, you might want to consider subscribing them to the encouragement calls service. If you sign someone up for […]


How to Stop Worrying and Start Enjoying Your Life

How to Stop Worrying and Start Enjoying Your Life

Worry can suck the energy out of our lives. I’ve heard it said that coward dies 1000 deaths, but a brave person but once. I remember a time several years ago when my business was especially slow. I hadn’t had any customers for a couple of months and my savings account was quickly dwindling. I […]


How To Get The Poison Of Bitterness Out Of Your Life

How To Get The Poison Of Bitterness Out Of Your Life

I’ve heard it said that holding onto bitterness towards another person is like drinking poison and hoping that the other person will die. One of the side effects of bitterness is that causes us to be miserable. It ruins our mood. It’s also bad for our health. Its toxic like poison to our system and […]


How To Elevate Your Mood Without Drugs

How To Elevate Your Mood Without Drugs

My research tells me that most people are bored and miserable.  You deserve to be happy my friend. Here’s one of the most powerful methods I have ever discovered for elevating my mood on a daily basis. It doesn’t involve popping pills, taking drugs, or smoking anything. The method is to get some exercise and […]


How To Find a Great Wife Worth Keeping

How To Find a Great Wife Worth Keeping

Are you tired of being single and don’t see much of a light at the end of the tunnel? Would you like to get married and are not sure how to attract a quality wife? I feel your pain. I was in the same position. If I liked a gal, I would basically get nervous […]


The Best Way To Get More Encouragement In Your Life

The Best Way To Get More Encouragement In Your Life

Looking for more encouragement in your life? Wish you could get more pats on the back and people telling you that you are wonderful and they really appreciate you? Welcome to the club. You are not alone; many people in our society are starving for more positive feedback and encouragement. One of the best ways […]


9 Ways To Add More Humor To Your Life

9 Ways To Add More Humor To Your Life

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says, “Does this taste funny to you?”. Laughter releases tension, releases endorphins in our system, makes us smile, gives us a burst of euphoria and it usually doesn’t cost much. Laughter is good for our minds and bodies and humor is useful for lots of activities like conversations, […]